Friday, October 15, 2010

Guest Post: The Secret Origin of Daniel P. Totten and the Trans Am

Before CraigsList, you looked for cars in the paper and on Autotrader. For no particular reason that I can pinpoint I started looking for Firebirds, I think because I just liked the name. Research revealed them to be popular with gearheads and a great platform to make into a competitive vehicle. More important than the performance was the awesome “screamin’ eagle” on the hood. My obsession began there and one had to be mine.
I was 16 and sharing a car affectionately nicknamed “The Crapura” with my brother. It was an early 90’s Acura Legend, not a bad car 100,000 miles previously. However, it was falling apart and not interesting enough for me to care about. It wasn’t my car, but my brother's; I just drove it to school every week day. He would pick it up Friday at lunch time and I wouldn’t get it back until Monday morning in time for me to go to school. I was 16 and had a girl friend. This would not do. So I cut a deal with Mother: she would help me buy a car if her contribution was less than $1000. After saving enough money to start looking for a car to be mine and mine alone, the search began.
Early in my search I came across a car that had everything I was looking for… the bird on the hood. She also was a beautiful two toned blue and grey, had t-tops and a V8. She was a 1986 Trans Am and it was love at first sight. I had no idea how driving her would change my life and even help shape my personality into who I am today.

I didn’t even know how to change my oil, and when a vehicle has been a daily driver for 15 years it tends to break down. Not enough to get rid of her, or to justify having a second car, just enough to force me to learn how to fix it quick. I was quite handy with duct tape and rubber bands. I remember the first time I changed the thermostat, it took my buddy and I two days. A twenty minute repair, and it took us two days! I drove her during the week and worked on her during the weekend. I even took an eventful trip to Missouri and back. We had to drive with the heat on to keep her from overheating, but she made it there and back.

There came a point where I couldn't keep up. I was in need of a car to drive every day and she needed more work than I had time to learn or money to spend, so I sold her to a good friend of mine. I bought a 1978 Nova named Eloise. She had a carbureted 350 and will always have a special place in my heart. I loved Eloise. And though I drove her for 7 years, I realized I could never replace the Trans Am. Selling her was a necessity, but a mistake.

Fast forward a couple years: Eloise and I had parted ways. My sister needed a reliable car, and I needed out of my car payment. It also happens that my friend is selling the very same Trans Am I sold to him years earlier, her guts in buckets and boxes. It seems the stars are aligning to bring us back together. The universe manipulated dozens of peoples lives to set up this glorious reunion, and I am not going to let this divine providence pass me by. I jumped at the opportunity to buy back my love, and thus begins my epic battle with the Car Gods.


Stay tuned to read about the ongoing project, the late nights of busted knuckles and dripping oil, and the lovers quarrels he will inevitably face during the rebuild!

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